América Latina: políticas públicas para ciudades digitales –

Our Second Blog featured post is by Mr.BORIS SANTOS GÓMEZ ÚZQUEDA

Boris is an experienced global professional and columnist, who is an expert in Lat Am socio- political arena. An expert analyst and advisor to many business organizations, he is also a Professor at INEGAS . We are honored and thank Boris for sharing a post on our blog. This post was published on the 20th of September 2014 and have got all permission and consent from the author to be reproduced here.


Parlamentos nacionales y legislaturas estadales y, fundamentalmente, urbano/municipales estarán en el reto de legislar nuevas normas para un paradigma de administración de las ciudades digitales CD. Algunos analistas las denominan “ciudades inteligentes”.

Las políticas públicas para las CD están orientadas a redibujar toda la planeación y estrategia urbana.

La sociedad, de manera activa/proactiva y desde las redes están motivando a recambios en la forma de pensar/hacer/construir ciudad.

El principal objetivo de una nueva CD es generar calidad de servicios para la ciudadanía, a costo accesible; incorporar la creatividad e innovación a las tradicionales formas de planificación estratégica de ciudades.

La principal llave de este proceso es la tecnología cuyo receptor de la modernidad, en términos digitales, es la ciudad: el hábitat humano principal.

Las CD hoy debe tener la capacidad de acceso pleno y capacidades tecnológicas: ¿cómo es el acceso a Internet en las escuelas/universidades públicas?, ¿cómo el acceso de servidores públicos y de ciudadanos a plataformas de servicios online? Ancho de banda/calidad.

La tecnología en redes de transporte público: sistemas que permitan de manera eficiente gestionar y optimizar la interoperabilidad de las infraestructuras de transporte. Coste del servicio. Tiempo y lugar de recorrido. Formas de pago. Uso de combustible. Capacidad de transporte de número de pasajeros. Rotación de choferes. Comodidad del transporte público y otros tópicos.

La tecnología hace de CD más amigables con el medio ambiente: transporte alternativos: alquiler de bicicletas, carril-bici, zonas de movilidad peatonal exclusiva.

La infraestructura controlada por redes: número y ubicación de condominios, acceso a servicios, seguridad, acceso a redes, hospitales, y de profesionales que trabajan en el sector salud, eficiencia y sistema de servicios de salud pública con que cuenta la ciudad, sistemas de atención y cuidado a personas mayores, indicadores de criminalidad y aplicaciones de servicios: integración de bomberos, policía, servicios de rescate, servicios de ambulancia y servicios de desastres municipales.

La CD puede contener mapas, calles, registros, sistemas de ductos y acueductos y planos digitalizados para facilitar catastros y evaluaciones.

Aplicaciones que informen, interactúen y estén al día con información de indicadores económicos, ofertas de empleo, de negocios, profesionales cualificados en el sector financiero y otros. Las “páginas amarillas” tecnológicas en la mano y a un clic.

CD tiene que ver con reducción de pasos administrativos para cobro de impuestos, permisos y patentes para apertura de nuevos restaurantes, de nuevos negocios y fundamentalmente controles online de servicios.

La CD en una aplicación que informe posibilidad de ejercicio de la vitalidad cultural: espectáculos musicales, teatro, cines, restaurantes, museos con presencia online.

Finalmente, la nueva CD que permanentemente entrene y capacite a sus legisladores locales en diseño, elaboración y ejecución de políticas públicas para construir los modelos de nueva CD en donde los vecinos participen en “asambleas ciudadanas” a través de las redes, interactuando, proponiendo y eliminando filas o colas en pago de servicios, impuestos y otros.

El turismo debe ser privilegiado. Unificar portales y aplicaciones de alta información, veraz, precisa de funcionamiento de servicios ciudadanos en todas las áreas.

La planeación estratégica apoyándose en la tecnológica ya es imprescindible: sabiendo número de habitantes, distritos, usuarios de agua, luz, escuelas, hospitales, servicios de transporte, se pueden direccionar los fondos de la ciudad a mejorar sistemas urbanos de educación, salud, vivienda, transporte. Ello redundará en mejoramiento de presupuestos, reducción de costos y mejor utilización de recursos.

La inteligencia social nos lleva a la innovación social, en la cual es fundamental integrar, colaborar y hacer partícipe a la sociedad civil en el desarrollo de las CD.

La tecnología va de la mano de la cívica y la participación política: todos los servidores públicos deben tener “oficinas virtuales abiertas” de atención ciudadana, prácticamente, 24 horas al día.

Con la tecnología y la lógica de construir ciudades digitales las leyes urbanas y territoriales deben ser un instrumento flexible y que se muevan frecuentemente para mejor desarrollo e innovación de inversiones que mejoren capacidades tecnológicas de las ciudades.

Top 10 Tips and Tricks to Being a Successful Blogger

Our first post and featured blogger for this week is 11 years old. Nicknamed “Kricket”, he is currently based out of North America and writes a blog for on a regular basis.

We thank our young and dynamic Kricket for taking time out from his busy school schedule to write our first blog post.


If you have seen my blog before, then you might know I have been waiting for today to do a Top Ten article about Bolivia. Instead, I was approached by to do a guest blog post. So today I give you:Top 10 Tips and Tricks to Being a Successful Blogger

#1 Proper Grammar

Proper grammar and spelling is also very much needed thing in the blogging community. If you’re going around everywhere with misspelled words then you won’t be taken seriously. My recommendation is to have an editor like I do. Believe it or not, I misspell words ALL THE TIME because I’m eleven, so I have an editor who corrects any spelling errors. The editor also adds links and fancy stuff. Now, if you DON’T have an editor, then I recommend that once you have finished writing your blog, you check for spelling mistakes. You might be amazed at the amount you find.

#2 Brainstorming

Brainstorming is very important to do. Before you go and just start a blog you need to brainstorm what your blog will be about or what type of blog you plan to have. If you don’t do this, then you most likely you will end up writing something at the last minute and chances are it won’t be that interesting. So make sure to always think in advance.

#3 A Master Plan

Usually after you have brainstormed you need to figure out what topics you will write about, and when. For this you want to keep a calendar or agenda that stores the dates you will be posting about certain topics. That’s what I do. In January I had planned to write a Top Ten article today and I wrote that on my calendar. If you don’t do this you might get stuck thinking “What should I post today? The fact ofthe week? Or an article on Bolivia’s wacky wildlife?”, and again you get stuck doing the blog at the last minute.

#4 An Attention-Grabbing Title

Most people click on something because its title sounds interesting. What you want is a title that will grab the eye of a person and make them want to click on it. I mean what is more eye grabbing? This: “Bolivian Tribes”, or this: “Did You Know that There are Over 30 Different Tribes in Bolivia?!” You see what I mean?

#5 One or More High-Quality Photos

Now quickly think about how many times you have clicked on a picture that looked cool. For example, you’re just playing Mario Brothers and you a see an awesome picture of a motorcycle racing game. You would click it, wouldn’t you? Now think about how many times you just read some plain old words and clicked on them. Not often, huh? Another example: “The Bolivia for Kids Blog”. This title doesn’t exactly grab your eye now does it. But once you see my gorgeous picture next, you’ll click on it, right?

#6 Choosing Which Voice You Will Use as You Write

Now this depends on what type of boss you have. In my case my boss simply edits my blog and she allows me to speak in my own words. But what if you’re in a fancy pants blogging job where you’re being paid by a big fancy pants company? You wouldn’t be writing in the first person and say “This place is so awesome! I want to visit it.” No. You would say, “This place is a great tourist attraction to visit!”

#7 Verifying Facts

When you are researching for your blog you could do that by visiting certain websites, right? Well, what happens if they get their facts wrong? Then you get your facts wrong, and everyone who reads your blog gets their facts wrong. So what do you do? You make sure the facts are correct before you publish your blog. How? By making sure you use more than one source to collect information.

#8 More Than one Source of information

You never want to rely on only one website or one book, or one person for information. You always want to use more than one because you never know who is right and who is wrong. For example: you could be looking up information about a flamingo on some website that thinks brown bears are pink with feathers. Verify if this is true or not by checking what others have learned about flamingos.

#9 Call to Action

Whenever you finish a blog you want to end with a call to action because you don’t just want people to read your blog and leave, you want them to interact with you. This is usually something like a question. Like the questions I always ask you when I end my blog for kids, for example. This will get people commenting with their answers and such. This is how you will know that people are seeing what you write. Speaking of which:

#10 Making Sure Your Blog Gets Seen

Let’s say you have followed all of these steps and have a great blog all about an AWESOME topic with pictures and links and calls to action and all that fancy stuff. Then why aren’t you getting any comments? What is the point of doing all this work to make an awesome blog if nobody will see it? This is because you haven’t advertised it, for example, like companies for fruit snacks do. They create commercials for their products. What you can do is post about your blog on Twitter and Facebook and all of your social media and stuff, or even pay to get an ad on someone else’s website. Now people will start finding it.So I hope you learned something about writing a blog today. I will be back on my Bolivia for Kids blog next Wednesday and I will see you there. By the way, No.

#9 says you should have a call to action at the end of each blog post, right? So I should ask you a question I guess. What tips would you have for someone starting out with a blog? Why?

I would like to thank for featuring me today and I would like to thank you all for reading. Bye!